The Coachability Quotient ® Test
Coachability is the extent to which an individual is coachable – that is, how much an individual will benefit from a non-directive coaching approach to development.
What is The Coachability Quotient ® Test?
The Coachability Quotient ® is a measure of how coachable an individual is – the higher the score, the higher the degree of coachability.
The Uses of The Coachability Quotient ® Test:
The test, if answered honestly and openly, determines if coaching is the right form of development for an individual; from the results of the test, it can be determined if:
• It is possible to coach the staff member and if coaching should actually take place
• The staff member will benefit from coaching
• An alternative form of development is needed
• A different style of leadership is needed (i.e. the team member needs something more directive)
• Some special provisions in a coaching contact are required
What are 15 Dimensions of The Coachability Quotient ® Test?
The 15 dimensions are:
1. Openness to the process
2. Reflective capacity and authenticity
3. Truthfulness
4. Goal setting
5. Ability to exemplify
6. Capacity for elaboration and expansion
7. Lack of defensiveness
8. Commitment to development and willingness to grow
9. Self-awareness
10. Realism in goals and expectations
11. Solutions generation and creativity
12. Long-term focus
13. Understanding the scope of coaching
14. Independence, ownership and accountability
15. Commitment to implementation and execution of action plans
What do the Questions look like on The Coachability Quotient ® Test?
There are a total of 30 questions testing the 15 categories above. For each question, candidates must choose one of the two options provided for which one seems closest to their behaviour or preferences.
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