The Change Resistance Drivers ® Test Accreditation Workshop
What Does Accreditation Involve?
LTT Analytics runs two-day accreditation workshops internationally and on-demand. Successful completion leads to accredited status.
The workshop involves:
• Understanding what the Change Resistance Drivers ® are and what the The Change Resistance Drivers ® Test is, its purpose, its structure and the benefits it has.
• Creating reports, recommendations and actions plans based on the results of The Change Resistance Drivers ® Test.
• Being able to train respondents for improved outcomes in time of change based on the results of The Change Resistance Drivers ® Test.
Does Accredited Status Have an Expiry Date?
This status needs to be renewed every three years through attending one of our free renewal sessions online to cover updates to The Change Resistance Drivers Test ® and best practice.
Who Will Accreditation Appeal To?
Accreditation is likely to appeal to strategic change leaders, professional coaches, change management and transformation trainers, chnage management consultants, HR and T&D professionals and many others.
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